Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 Everyday Pains, Cured!

It’s spring! Time to pull out your running shoes, road bike, and basketball—not to mention our shovel and wheelbarrow—and take your workouts outside. If you haven’t been particularly active over the winter, be careful: Asking too much of your neglected muscles is asking for an injury as well.
To assist your transition to spring, we asked Jordan D. Metzl, M.D., one of the country’s leading sports medicine physicians and author of The Athlete’s Book of Home Remedies, to explain how some of the most common sports injuries occur—and what we can do about them. Sometimes, says Dr. Metzl, you need to consider the not-so-obvious. Consider the five everyday pains below. And find out how to beat blisters, stamp out athlete's foot, and more with The Most Annoying Sports Maladies Ever—Cured!


Maybe you tweaked it shooting three-pointers. Or maybe you just slept on it wrong. But if the pain lingers . . .
The hidden cause: Nerve roots at the top of your spine supply motor and sensory function to your upper arms. When you bend or twist your neck, the nerves can be pinched.
The simple fix: As the pain lessens, stand with your hands interlaced behind your neck. Bend your neck back and squeeze your shoulder blades. Pause and return to the starting position. Work up to 10 reps. Once you're pain-free, build neck strength by doing shrugs.


You threw out your back spreading mulch. Herniated disk? Maybe. But don't visit your doctor just yet.
The hidden cause: Weak or tight hamstrings, core muscles, glutes, or hip flexors can mess up your alignment and mechanics, forcing your back muscles to compensate and overextend.
The simple fix: Stay mobile, use ice in the first 48 hours and heat after that, and take aspirin or ibuprofen. As the pain eases, begin gentle hamstring, glute, core, and hip-flexor stretches. When you're pain-free, add multidirectional lunges, core exercises, and body-weight squats.


You're ready to blame your shoes or too much running for the pain.
The hidden cause: Your plantar fascia is connected to your heel bone—and so are your calf muscles, by way of the Achilles tendon. Tight calves can stretch and strain the fascia.
The simple fix: Sit on the floor and place a foam roller under your right ankle with your leg straight. Cross your left leg over your right ankle. With your hands flat on the floor, roll forward so the foam is under your knee. Roll back. Repeat for 3 minutes; switch legs.
Foam rolling may be the best exercise you’re not doing. Stay injury-free for life with the 7 Best Foam-Rolling Exercises.


It feels like (and could be) a groin strain, brought on by your re-introduction to a bike seat. But groin strains improve. If yours doesn't . . .
The hidden cause: You might have a sports hernia—a strain or tearing of muscles or tendons, usually caused by an imbalance between your adductors and abdominals.
The simple fix: Unfortunately, surgery is the only fix for most sports hernias. But you can prevent a hernia in the making. The key is to address the muscle imbalance by training your core. Shoot for 5 to 6 minutes of daily plank time on top of your regular training.


Pain around your knee makes you think tendinitis, arthritis, or a meniscus tear.
The hidden cause: If your core, hips, quads, and glutes are underconditioned or out of balance, your pelvis will wobble, stressing your knees when you run.
The simple fix: Focus on dynamic rest. As your pain lessens, try squats, jump squats, multidirectional lunges, planks, and glute bridges to stabilize your pelvis. Start slowly and, over several weeks, work your way to 10 to 12 reps and 2 or 3 sets. Do them every other day.


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