Friday, December 9, 2011

The world’s gaudiest Mercedes for just $11 million

If you're still struggling for that last-minute holiday gift for the person who has more cash than taste, a Swiss car builder has just the right ride: this Mercedes McLaren SLR customized with 900 rubies and enough gold paint to impress a pharaoh. Total price? $11 million. It takes a lot of money to look this bad.
The vision from customizer Ueli Aniker took a team of 35 people a total of 30,000 man-hours to transform the car into his "Red Gold Dream" with $5.5 million in precious metals. Look close at the photos below, and you might spot some of the 11 pounds of gold mixed into the 25 coats of red paint. Sprinkled throughout the gold-leather interior and dash are 600 rubies -- from the light switches to the lug nuts on the 14k gold-coated wheels, ensuring this car will never visit a car wash without a team of security guards.
In the name of security, Aniker also added a GPS tracking device and remote shut-down system; he also says he plans to boost the McLaren's already massive 700-hp engine to an even 1,000 hp.
Aniker also ensured his name was emblazoned throughout the Red Gold Dream, including a unique "UA" logo -- in gold, of course -- brazed into the exhaust pipes. Of all the custom tricks on this Mercedes, that one small move seems the most ostentatious of all: No one else will ever try to claim this dream as one of their own.

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